Being who you are.

“The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.” - Joseph Campbell✨

Yes. So much yes. Double, nah triple scoop of yes. YES what a privilege it is to be my damn self.

It has taken work to get to this point. I have always been confident. I have always loved me, even on my darkest days, but not with the effort I put in now. Not with the fierce protection I gave to others before myself. Not with intention.

There’s a quote that floats around social media that always stops me. “Stop expecting you from others.”

I want to couple that with the revelation I’ve had recently that has changed the game for me. “Stop giving you to everyone but you.”

It is a privilege to be you.
To be wholeheartedly yourself.
There’s only one.
Be you.
Be so you the room shifts when you enter it.
Be and give and love so hard they know your name for it.

And then make sure you give all of that back to yourself a thousand times over. Every day.

With intention.✨


Rise to the new you.


Be kind to yourself.