I voted.
While I waited in line to vote, I saw a sign that said, “How will you show gratitude today?”
While I’m not completely satisfied by the options on the ballot, for the presidency specifically, I showed gratitude today to the women (and men) who fought, died, and won my right to stand in that line, 100 years ago.
In the same year that RBG passed, I was appointed to a local office, and the centennial of the (white) woman’s right to vote; I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to be there.
Today I voted for kindness to our own, empathy for those who are different than us, protection of privileges we take for granted, and the hopeful future of a more united America.
One candidate will not deliver all of that, it will take all of us. But I’m grateful to have stood in line today. (The first time ever that I had to wait in a line for any election.) I’m grateful for friends and family who voted for the very first time today, whether they chose the candidates I did, or not. I’m grateful that today could happen as it should, that everyone I know is safe and healthy, and that today is the only day where we all allow our feeds to be inundated with selfies and little stickers without judgement of our fellow citizens.
I’m grateful today and am hopeful for tomorrow.💙🤍❤️