Where I dwell.
You know that scene in Mean Girls when the girls are gathered around the mirror and each one starts complaining about different parts of their appearance?
Lindsay Logan’s character awkwardly stands off to the side, not in range of the mirror, utterly confused.
Her response to her beautiful new friends ripping themselves apart has been my entire female experience.
Not that I don’t see things I’d like to change with my own body. More that I cannot imagine what good could possibly come from hating the vessel that guides you through this human experience.
Your body is the experience.
My arms have held the strongest of men, wrapped up the tiniest of innocent babes, and hugged so many dogs. How could I hate something that has allowed me to experience others so fully?
My legs have danced across many stages, led the way through so many miles of woods, and helped squat double my body weight. How could I hate something that has given me some of my favorite life events?
My body has endured multiple traumas, surgery, and abuse, and still, rises each day with the power to overcome it all again if she had to. How could I hate something so resilient and reliable?
You deny yourself the gift of your beautiful and functional body by only recognizing your perceived flaws.
You deny yourself the opportunity of the fullness of life when your primary concern is an unattainable image.
Because how you feel about your body actually has nothing to do with what it looks like and everything to do with what you allow your mind to believe.
Allow yourself to believe only the best things about this one gift you’ve been given. And start to dwell in it fully.✨